Diversity and determinants of recombination landscapes in flowering plants


During meiosis, crossover rates are not randomly distributed along the chromosome and their location may have a strong impact on the functioning and evolution of the genome. To date, the broad diversity of recombination landscapes among plants has rarely been investigated and a formal comparative genomic approach is still needed to characterize and assess the determinants of recombination landscapes among species and chromosomes. We gathered genetic maps and genomes for 57 flowering plant species, corresponding to 665 chromosomes, for which we estimated large-scale recombination landscapes. We found that the number of crossover per chromosome spans a limited range (between one to five/six) whatever the genome size, and that there is no single relationship across species between genetic map length and chromosome size. Instead, we found a general relationship between the relative size of chromosomes and recombination rate, while the absolute length constrains the basal recombination rate for each species. At the chromosome level, we identified two main patterns (with a few exceptions) and we proposed a conceptual model explaining the broad-scale distribution of crossovers where both telomeres and centromeres play a role. These patterns correspond globally to the underlying gene distribution, which affects how efficiently genes are shuffled at meiosis. These results raised new questions not only on the evolution of recombination rates but also on their distribution along chromosomes.

PLOS Genetics
Thomas Brazier
Post-doc in Genomic and Evolution

My current research interests span a broad range of molecular and population genetic processes, involving the study of evolutionary patterns at the scale of genomes, species, and populations. It includes the causes and consequences of meiotic recombination, the evolution of gene expression and genome structural variation among populations and species.